Pet Urgent Care

Our pets are part of the family, and things can get stressful, especially when your pet needs urgent care. An animal hospital offering urgent pet care provides peace of mind for pet owners.

Our veterinary care team at Westgate Animal Hospital in Maple Ridge, CA, provides various pet care services, including pet wellness exams and urgent care.

Pet Urgent Care

Do I Need Urgent Care for My Pet?

If you are unsure if your pet needs urgent care, it is always best to be safe and call your veterinarian or an emergency animal hospital to see what they have to say about your pet's condition. Some common pet urgent care symptoms may include seizures, bleeding from the mouth, nose, or ears, hemorrhaging from a wound, cannot walk or stand.

Other signs your pet needs to see for urgent care include:

  • Hit by a car
  • Falling from a high place
  • Attacked by another animal
  • Excessive vomiting or diarrhea
  • Having difficulty breathing
  • Ingested a toxin or poisonous plant

Pet Care during an Emergency

If you believe your pet needs urgent care during our office hours, please contact us ASAP. 

How Our Veterinarian Can Help in an Emergency

Our veterinarian can help assess your pet's condition, diagnose their condition, and provide necessary urgent care. In addition, our veterinary care team will do everything possible to help keep your pet comfortable and help your pet recover. They will also help keep you calm, informing you of every step during your pet's treatment and recovery.

Call an Urgent Care Veterinarian to Learn More

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